Mars Walk Learning Noodle™


It’s time move and use your “Learning Noodle!” This fun, flexible learning space makes a great addition to a classroom! The Learning Noodle portable sensory path is a flexible, temporary learning space that can be added to a classroom or sensory space for children to move and learn. “The Learning Noodle” is our solution for space-saving portable Sensory Paths™ and classroom transformations. The Mars Walk Learning Noodle™ is a great solution to help teachers create a space for kinesthetic learning! Kids can skip, balance, and hop while they practice math, spelling, or simple concentration skills. The Mars Walk Learning Noodle™ is approximately 3 x 8 feet.

The Learning Noodle™ is the latest offering by The Sensory Path™. The Learning Noodle™ offers instructional support in and out of the classroom for endless kinesthetic learning activities.

The Learning Noodle™ is a non-permanent educational support resource. Turn your lessons into active learning opportunities with the help of The Learning Noodle. When your lesson or playtime is over, simply roll up your Noodle and store it away. Each “Learning Noodle” Path is flexible and washable, making learning fun and safe.

The Learning Noodle™ by The Sensory Path™ is designed to offer schools with limited space or carpeted floors sensory solutions. The Noodles are flexible games for kinesthetic learning. Use The Noodles to re-enforce curriculum goals and incorporate movement opportunities for all students.

Includes: 1-3×8 ft flexible mat

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