Welcome to
Sensory Path School
Learn the what, the why, and the how about Sensory Paths in Sensory Path School!
Sensory Paths for Autism
The Sensory Path is a Certified Autism Resource. Read more about how our products benefit children on the Autism Spectrum.
Sensory Paths as Universal Education Tool
The Sensory Path is beneficial for students of all neuro-diversities. Learn how the children at your school, hospital, or clinic can benefit from regular access to The Sensory Path.
How does a Sensory Path work?
The founder of The Sensory Path, Inc. developed the first thematic indoor floor decal system with intentionally sequenced, research-based movements. Learn how the how behind a Sensory Path!
Research You Can Trust
The Sensory Path is designed to target key areas of the Interoceptive Sensory System, which is composed of internal nerve receptors and relays between the brain and the body. When students are in the classroom, their internal sensory system is bombarded with external stimuli. When this occurs, the student’s body unconsciously stores these signals in the muscles and along the spine.
If the child is not given an opportunity to properly release and reset their system, they may have trouble with self-regulation, concentration, and attention.
Why The Sensory Path, Inc.? Learn why you should work with us for all of your Sensory Path needs.
Promoting self regulation helps children reduce sensory-seeking behaviors. When behaviors go down, learning goes up!
The Sensory Path, Inc.
Behaviors Down
With regular visits to The Sensory Path, you’ll notice a large decrease in disruptive, distracting behaviors.
Decrease in verbal outbursts
Decrease in classroom interruptions
Decrease in sensory-seeking behaviors
Learning Up
The Sensory Path creates a positive snowball effect on student behaviors and their ability to follow nonverbal cues.
Increase cognition
Increase concentration
Increase in ability to follow directions
Funding a Sensory Path
Adding Sensory Paths to your building is an investment in the success of your students. Of course budgeting concerns are a major concern of all schools. We’ve created a Sensory Path Funding page dedicated to answering all of your funding concerns and direct you to funding opportunities. Click the link below to learn more about allocating funds towards a Sensory Path.
Learn How to Use Sensory Paths
How to Use a Sensory Path
A Sensory Path embraces the idea that cognitive development is closely ties to providing proper…
Understanding Why, How, When to Use a Sensory Path: Lily Pads
Learn how to use a Sensory Path for maximum results with this informative blog series…
Understanding How, Why, and When to Use a Sensory Path- The Loopy Line
Need some help with sensory regulation? Today's blog post is all about the why, how,…
Sensory Path Information from a Physical Therapist
Frequently Asked Questions
We have sold more than 11,000 Sensory Paths in the last five years. The Sensory Path products have been installed in schools, medical clinics, youth services facilities, military bases, museums, hospitals and orphanages across America, and 13 foreign countries and counting. Since the launch of our product into the consumer market, we modestly estimate that our product has reached well over one million users, as most customers have found that The Sensory Path is also beneficial to other children who are struggling with sensory issues or self-regulation.
NOPE! The Sensory Path is a universal education tool that promotes inclusivity and sensory regulation for all students. You may find The Sensory Path beneficial as a resource to support the therapy objectives of your occupational and physical therapists. The Sensory Path can provide a place for alternative assessment and remedial interventions for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
Our product was initially designed to help with self-regulation of the sensory system in children with Autism, but schools have found it to be a Universal Educational tool that promotes an inclusive learning environment. Students of any ability can find the use of movement a powerful tool to help their brain and body connect.
The Sensory Path products are now being used by children with Autism, children dealing with Trauma, children with ADHD, children in Physical Therapy, and as a movement space for peer social development.
Having trouble narrowing down all the FABULOUS Sensory Path options on our website? We can help! Whether you need help determining which items are most age appropriate for your school, what movements are best for your unique population, or what will work within any space limitations, we’ve got you covered. Our customer service representatives are experts. Everyone at The Sensory Path is intimately familiar with our products and can answer any and every question that may come up during the ordering process. We know sensory and we know schools. We’d love to help get a Sensory Path in your school. Email us for more information.