Every School Needs a Sensory Path

The Sensory Path’s mission is to help get Sensory Paths in every school. Funding should never be the reason why your students don’t have access to this incredible resource!

Below you’ll find numerous resources to help source funding for your school. To stay in the loop on any new grant opportunities, make sure you subscribe to our newsletter. 

Sensory Path Funding Resources

Moving based learning improves educational outcomes

ESSER Funds For Schools

ESSER funding expires on September 30, 2024. The Sensory Path is a great use of ESSER funds to address learning loss due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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Limited budget? No problem!

A limited budget should never discourage you from inquiring about our products. The Sensory Path knows that schools are operating on very tight budgets and sometimes there isn’t much left over. While some of our “off-the-shelf” packages may be outside of your current budget, we can work with any funding you may have available. 

Because we manufacture all of our materials in-house, we have the ability to build out custom packages to meet any funding available. We can create a custom bundle of items to maximize the dollars available without having to sacrifice on quality, design, or sensory benefit. Please contact our friendly and experienced sales representatives to inquire about a custom solution that fits within your budget! 

I need more help!

If you have additional funding questions, please contact us using the form below. 

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