ESSER Funds Expire September 30, 2024
As part of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, congress allocated over $200 Billion to schools to help address learning loss. The final round of ESSER funds expires on September 30, 2024. This means all funds need to be allocated and goods received before September 30th.Â
There are several conditions that must be met for a purchase to be eligible for ESSER funding. A great use of these funds is adding Sensory Paths to your schools!Â
Address Student Learning Loss
The Sensory Path helps schools address student learning loss by providing a dedicated movement space that incorporates academics in a low stakes environment. Many students struggle with the rigid structure inside the classroom. The Sensory Path offers an informal place for students to engage with academic material that may feel overwhelming or too abstract in the classroom.Â
For students who have difficulty with abstract concepts, a Sensory Path can bring class lessons to life and provide a whole body, concrete representation of the material. Additionally, a Sensory Path provides repeat and routine exposure to academic concepts so that students are given ample opportunity to master the material.Â

Address the Needs of Disadvantaged Populations
Each student has a unique learning style. Many students require a multi-layered approach to learning. For students already identified as needing special support services, the Sensory Path can be a great addition to their IEP or sensory diets.Â
To address the “missed” diagnosis of students’ potential learning differences, routine whole class use of The Sensory Path can offer crucial sensory support for those students who have not yet been identified as needing special support services.Â
The Sensory Path also helps build the fundamental gross motor skills that are necessary for success in the classroom. The Sensory Path build the neuro-pathways required for brain-body connection.Â

Support Mental Health
Movement matters. Research supports the idea that increased physical activity in children can improve mood, decrease depression, and enhance overall self-esteem and confidence. Adding Sensory Paths to your school guarantees that there is a dedicated spot for intentional, research-based movement.Â
Students with regular access to the Sensory Path are better regulated and develop stronger self-advocacy skills as they learn how to recognize when their bodies are overwhelmed and how to ask for a movement break.Â

Improve Facilities to Reduce Virus Transmission
Regular movement can prevent sickness by improving the immune system. The Sensory Path offers students a chance to move around and increase their heart rate and improve blood circulation.Â
Transform Your School Environment with ESSER
Don’t let your funds expire! Add Sensory Paths to your ESSER purchases.Â
We do offer special pricing for districts looking to make bulk purchases. Please contact for assistance with a district-wide order.