What should we consider in picking an area for our outdoor Sensory Path™?

Category: Stencil FAQ

Make sure the space you select is free from standing water after periods of rain. If the playground has multiple elevations, be cautious of low-lying areas that might collect dirt and debris after periods of rain. When selecting and planning the painted area, look for the areas that might need additional water divergent systems, or irrigation channels to help with standing issues. Consult your building and grounds professionals for help with any issues where standing water remains or collects debris. 

Asphalt and concrete pads make great play areas for outdoor sensory paths. The area selected should be free of loose rocks, uneven payment, large rocks or bricks that may cause tripping hazards, and large cracks. If any of these such areas exist, repairs should be made before starting the painting project. Any crack that has weeds should be treated days before you paint day to allow for removal.  Power washing the area and treating with a degreaser will help remove natural organic debris such as tree saps, stains or oils which could prevent proper paint adhesion. Before painting, sweep the washed area to remove any additional bits of sand and dirt that may have settled in the area. If painting over a series of days, it is best to sweep at the start of each day, as winds, birds, and children will inevitably carry dirt and sand over the area between painting sessions. 

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