Notes from an LPC

You Are What You Eat: How Nutrition Affects Mental Health

 We have all heard the old saying “you are what you eat.” This is especially true while the brain is developing in children and teens. Good nutrition significantly affects our mental health, it increases alertness, clear thinking, concentration and attention. New evidence suggests that diet is as important to mental health as it is to

You Are What You Eat: How Nutrition Affects Mental Health Read More »

Growing through Adversity, Challenges, and Failures

     I think it is safe to say we all like to be happy, comfortable, content, and to succeed. That all sounds amazing, but life is not always like this. Life is full of adversity, challenges, failures, being told “no”, and having heartache. But during times of adversity, challenges, and failure there is opportunity for learning

Growing through Adversity, Challenges, and Failures Read More »

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