Other FAQ
Yes, The Sensory Path™ designs products that are not only for schools, but they are great in playrooms, in indoor sensory rooms, or just in the hallway. The sensory paths are designed using the best materials and will not hurt your floors. We will be offering smaller units that will be perfect for home usage.
First, talk to your principal, give them the research and explain why you think it will help the students. You would be surprised what funds are available to title one schools. Every school in America runs on a shoe string budget, but when approaching the administration about investing in a path helps when we provide the research to back up our methods.
Another great source of funding is Parent Teacher Organizations. We have schools that are in rural, low income districts, that have a small group of parents who took the initiative to go out into their small community and talk with the leaders, churches, civic groups, businesses to have them sponsor the larger package for their school.
Fundraising is easy when the money is going directly to something that is going to benefit all students. Get creative with fundraising, if the funds are not available. Have the kids get involved in raising funds too. Simply have a change drive is a great way all levels of children can participate. Have students bring in loose change and challenge classrooms to compete in the change drive will foster support. Get responsible parents involved to collect the change each day and create a bridge for community involvement. It is not impossible for funds to be allocated, but reaching out and getting more people engaged in the need for the Sensory Path at your school will increase the potential for funds to become available.