Stencil FAQ

Category: Stencil FAQ

Yes! Our outdoor stencils are reusable an unlimited number of times. 

Category: Stencil FAQ

Absolutely! If you’d like to choose your own paint colors for the stencils, you can add the paint bundles separately and choose each color. If you need help, contact us and we’d be glad to assist. 

Category: Stencil FAQ

Porch and Patio paint cost anywhere from $30-70 a gallon and is made to withstand a little more wear and tear. Exterior Quarts of premium paint with a primer (which makes the paint coat better) is about $15-20 a quart. 

You will also need 4 to 10 paint brushes and a couple of 4 or 6-inch rollers, and disposable paint trays or plastic plates and cups. Number of brushes and rollers depends on how many colors and people are willing to help with your project. 

Category: Stencil FAQ

The Sensory Path ™ Outdoor Stencils are made from a very durable Mylar plastic. Preserving them for future use is very important for longevity. Keep the box your stencils arrived in so you can store them. Store in a clean dry space, away from direct sunlight.  

Remove all tape and any extra adhesive that might have stuck on the stencil. Using a solvent like rubbing alcohol or a product like Goo Gone will not harm the stencil material. 

Dried paint can be removed easily, by soaking the stencil in soapy water, or covering the area with a wet cloth and allowing for the paint to rehydrate so it will peel off the stencil easier. Remove as much of the paint as possible before rolling the stencil for storage.  Do not scrape dried paint off the stencil. Damage could occur from sharp edges of a scraper. Lay stencils in the sun to dry.

Once all pieces of the stencil are clean and dry, organize the stencil by pieces. Some pieces might need to be placed in plastic zipper bags so they do not get lost. Label each bag or part and make sure layout guides are placed back in the box for future teams.

Using a bulletin board paper layer each stencil set in groups with additional paper in between, to keep stencils from getting mixed up. Roll the stencils in paper and secure with rubber bands. Place back in the shipping box for storage.  

Store in a clean dry space, keeping stencil materials out of direct sunlight. 

Category: Stencil FAQ

Durability and longevity of the finished painted paths depend on the area, prep, number of layers applied, maintenance and traffic of the area. Luckily, our Sensory Path Stencils can be stored and reused for multiple applications, and maintenance for many years. 

Category: Stencil FAQ

If you’ve decided to purchase paint bundles from The Sensory Path™, the pre-assembled bundles have enough paint for at least one iteration of the stencil set. You may have some extra paint in some colors. Each can of paint covers approximately 20 square feet. 

If you’re sourcing paint on your own, a gallon will cover approximately 200-foot space. If you are using black on the concrete area, it might take several coats, so may take a little more than that for a large area. A quart of paint will cover about 100 square feet.

Category: Stencil FAQ

Space requirements will vary from stencil to stencil, and most stencils can be slightly modified on-site to lengthen or shorten to meet the needs of your space.  See each listing for specific required space dimensions needed for each design.  

Category: Stencil FAQ

Brushes can come from the hardware section but get some that are a little better than the disposable foam or wooden handled chip brushes. Cement and Asphalt surfaces will tear up cheap brushes! The better brushes we recommend might cost a few dollars more initially but will last throughout your project if washed out each day. Craft brushes with long, soft hairs will help clean around edges and create crisp lines. Paint Rollers – Short fibers (smooth surface rollers) or foam rollers help keep paint from bleeding too much.

            9-inch rollers are recommended for Large Areas – such as the Create a Road Stencil

            6-inch rollers are recommended for Medium Areas – such as Sunflower Petals

            4-inch rollers are recommended for Small Areas – such as Hopscotch blocks

Category: Stencil FAQ

You have two options for paint. The Sensory Path™ now offers paint bundles that can be added to every stencil order. The paint bundles will be shipped directly to your building. The paint bundles listed on our website are for highly pigmented spray paint. This paint is industrial grade, water resistant, and eco-friendly. The paint is among the highest quality available on the market. The paint has built in UV protection and can hold up to salt-water air. 

If you’d like to source paint on your own, the best paint we have found is Porch and Patio paint which you can have colored at Home Depot, Lowes, Ace, or Sherwin Williams. It only comes in gallons, so you would want to make sure you can incorporate the use of the same color on multiple areas, like using a stencil package. Or, you can go with a latex exterior with a paint and primer, it may not last as long as the Porch and Patio, but it can always be touched up as needed, and would cost less on the front-end budget. 

Category: Stencil FAQ

Make sure the space you select is free from standing water after periods of rain. If the playground has multiple elevations, be cautious of low-lying areas that might collect dirt and debris after periods of rain. When selecting and planning the painted area, look for the areas that might need additional water divergent systems, or irrigation channels to help with standing issues. Consult your building and grounds professionals for help with any issues where standing water remains or collects debris. 

Asphalt and concrete pads make great play areas for outdoor sensory paths. The area selected should be free of loose rocks, uneven payment, large rocks or bricks that may cause tripping hazards, and large cracks. If any of these such areas exist, repairs should be made before starting the painting project. Any crack that has weeds should be treated days before you paint day to allow for removal.  Power washing the area and treating with a degreaser will help remove natural organic debris such as tree saps, stains or oils which could prevent proper paint adhesion. Before painting, sweep the washed area to remove any additional bits of sand and dirt that may have settled in the area. If painting over a series of days, it is best to sweep at the start of each day, as winds, birds, and children will inevitably carry dirt and sand over the area between painting sessions. 

Category: Stencil FAQ

Our Stencil Material is made from a 10 Mil Mylar which offers a great blend of durability and flexibility. 

The thin material allows for crisp images with sharp edges and minimal bleed.  

Category: Stencil FAQ

Outdoor Sensory Paths can be placed in several different areas.  We have designed for public parks walking paths, school sidewalks, as well as repurposing and redesigning old basketball courts. One of the most important elements to consider is the safety of the children when the space is being used.

Still have questions? Get in touch with us. Our experienced associates are eager to help!

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