
Flashback Retro Sensory Path™ Package


Name that 80’s movie: “No body puts Baby in a corner!”💃🕺

At The Sensory Path™ the Flashback Retro Sensory Path™ is Baby, and she’s ready for her 🔦SPOTLIGHT🔦!  The decade has some of the most iconic and beloved music and movies of all time… the 80s is also home to the Flashback Retro Sensory Path! Take your students on a totally AWESOME sensory adventure. This package is an excellent choice for your upper elementary students who are too cool for school 😎. Carefully and thoughtfully designed by The Sensory Path™ to offer a total body reset to decrease sensory seeking behaviors and increase cognition! 🛹With 6 different areas for sensory engagement, students will hop, step, push, jump and think as they move through this colorful retro themed Sensory Path™. Intentionally sequenced to reset both the proprioceptive and vestibular systems. Challenge students’ balance, coordination, and attentiveness with this activity packed Flashback Sensory Path™ Package.


Designed to fill a minimum space of 40 ft by 8 ft.

See below for details on what’s included!


Name Game Step and Spell™

5 Rubik’s cube blocks with mixed letters, 1 directive bubble

Boombox Balance Line

1 balance line with rainbow groove walk, 12 assorted music notes,1 Boombox, 3 cassette instruction guides, assorted multicolored shapes, white arrows and dots

Jam Jump Sensory Path Element

12 colorful pattered jump spots

Let’s Get Physical Zone

1 stretch left cassette, 1 stretch right cassette, 1 arm circle skateboard, 1 lunges sunglasses, 1 roller skate jumping jacks

Push and Reach Wall 

4 push place skateboards, 4 positive affirmation signs, multicolored push hands

Move and Groove Body Hop

11 assorted shapes, 14 pairs of feet

  • Application Tools and Detailed Instructions
  • Movement Guide with proper Sensory Path™ Use recommendations

****All of our elements are pre-cut and ready to peel and apply to your floor, no additional trimming is necessary around image edges. Some elements are grouped on transfer pages, and backing paper will need to be cut to separate the shapes. When necessary, application tape is applied to help transfer intricately cut images.

Weight 19 lbs
Dimensions 26 × 14 × 10 in

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