Sensory Path Information

Articles related to all things Sensory Path and The Sensory Path Company

Why choose The Sensory Path?

Why choose The Sensory Path over other companies?

A Teacher’s Passion Project Turned Viral Sensation In the last 6 years, Sensory Paths have become a popular addition to school hallways around the world. Before the founder of The Sensory Path created the Original Sensory Path, teachers were using tape on the floors to create movement activities and offer students a break from sitting […]

Why choose The Sensory Path over other companies? Read More »

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Sensory Path Products For Movement Based Learning

Following up on our topic of movement based learning, today I want to discuss some of The Sensory Path™ products that can help integrate movement into the school day. Remember physical activity can be built into the lesson itself or occur as breaks outside of or between lessons. You can also plug physical activity into

Sensory Path Products For Movement Based Learning Read More »

How Sensory Path Products Support Physical Therapy Goals: Jumping

This week our topic is core & lower extremity strength! There are loads of products from The Sensory Path™, individual elements & full Sensory Paths, that can serve as sensory physical therapy tools and are perfect for addressing core & lower extremity strength goals! One of my favorite ways to address core & lower extremity

How Sensory Path Products Support Physical Therapy Goals: Jumping Read More »

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