Sensory Path Grant Funding Opportunities

Every School Should Have a Sensory Path

As famously quoted by Sensory Path Founder, Holly Clay, “Every school should have a Sensory Path.” Since the inception of The Sensory Path, we’ve made it our mission to offer the highest quality, research-based, authentic Sensory Paths so that every school can have a Sensory Path! 

Every student deserves the positive snowball effect that The Sensory Path offers, regardless of limited school funding. We’ve put together this post to offer information on where to source funding for a Sensory Path.

Grants can be a wonderful opportunity to source funding specifically for Sensory Paths at your school. As you plan for the next academic year, see if any of these wonderful grant opportunities would be a good fit for your school. 


Spark Good Local Grants

Local grants funded by for qualified organizations. The Spark Good grants are intended to support improving local communities, providing after-school enrichment, improving access to recreation, classroom resources, and educational projects. 

These grants allow up to $5,000 in funding! With $5,000 your school could purchase Sensory Paths for indoor use and make a major playground upgrade with our playground stencils!

The 2024 grant cycle begins on March 1, 2024! 

Costco Charitable Giving

Local grants funded by Costco for 501(c)(3) organizations that focus on supporting children, education, and physical activity! 

Eligible organizations may submit one application per award cycle. The cycle runs from September to August each year and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. 

Casey's Gas Station

Casey’s Gas Station offers grants to 501(c)(3) organizations supporting education by providing funds that would enrich the leanring environment. This grant opportunity would be an excellent choice for school PTA or PTO organizations. 

Grant applications open every October-November with awards announced in March-April. 

These grants are available for $3,000 up to $50,000! If you have an ambitious goal of adding Sensory Paths to every school in your district, this would be a wonderful grant opportunity to consider. 

Casey’s Gas Station grants are available in the following states: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin. 

State Specific Grant Opportunities

Minnesota- Robbinsdale Area Schools- Seven Dreams Hands On Learning Grants

Up to $2500 available for Robbinsdale Area Schools in Minnesota. Grants are awarded for schools looking to implement more hands on learning activities. 

Last year FAIR Pilgrim Lane was awarded a grant for our Back to School Art Sensory Path! Your school could be next.

Applications are due by March 7, 2024!

North Carolina- Jimmy Johnson Foundation Champions Grant Program

The Jimmy Johnson Foundation offers Champions Grants supporting STEM, literacy, health, and the arts for schools within the state of North Carolina. 

Grants are available for $15,000 up to $35,000 for any K-12 public school in North Carolina. 

The application opens in Spring 2024. There are several requirements to meet eligibility for applying, including participating in an information call and ensuring that The Sensory Path is an approved vendor with your district prior to submitting your grant application. Please visit the link below to gather the required information and sign up for more info on this grant process. 

Student takes brain break on the sensory path!
Sensory Path Playground Stencil

Texas Education Agency- Autism Grant Award

All Texas LEAs are eligible for funding opportunities to enhance their capacity to implement innovative programs to more effectively service students with Autism.  

Adding Sensory Paths would be an incredible option for this grant opportunity as The Sensory Path is a Certified Autism Resource through IBCCES.

Applications are due by March 27, 2024!

Please do not hesitate to reach out to The Sensory Path team for assistance with any of these incredible grant opportunities! Our dedicated staff will help make the application process as easy as possible. 

For more information on grants and funding in general, head over to our Sensory Path Funding information page! 

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